It still seems crazy that you get to raise a kid without a permit... or training... or something. Google and mommy blogs became my best friend. Every night I found myself asking a zillion questions: Do you think she’s too cold? Too hot? How do I get her to stop scratching her little face at night? And- Does anyone snore louder than my husband?!
I spent most days and nights in mama mode: Baby in one hand (breastfeeding) and phone in the other hand… reading mommy blogs for the inside scoop.
I noticed that so many moms shared this concern: what is the best quality sleepwear to put my baby in? I needed something gentle for her delicate skin, temperature regulating, and of course something stylish for the daily Snapchats we send to her grandparents.
Research opened my eyes to bamboo fabric. Bamboo is ultra soft like butter and super gentle on baby's skin. It’s thermoregulating, hypoallergenic, eco friendly, and ultra stretchy for a snug fit around those little baby bum bums for the coziest sleep. Even “organic cotton” felt like sandpaper in comparison to bamboo viscose.
When Blush would (finally) fall asleep, I burned the midnight oil playing around on Photoshop. After a couple late nights, it started getting interesting. I roped in my sister and we started hustling to bring our vision to fruition. That was the birth of Little Bum Bums.